1stAveMachine Backs Protests Against Iranian Oppression With PSA


By thelaegotist / /

After getting a cry for help via an email from a young Iranian woman living through the turmoil, 1stAveMachine released a PSA in support of Iranians who are fighting the regime that has been oppressing them for more than 40 years.

“The people of Iran need to know the whole world is standing behind them,” the email reads in part. “They need hope. This war is not just ours.” 

“Since then,” the email explains, “most Iranians are protesting, unarmed, on the streets against the government’s violent armed forces. Innocent people are being killed. Children are being murdered.”

With the help of the directors and artists, the company created two 1:49 videos, one in Farsi and one in English, designed to communicate the events that have been taking place in Iran, especially since a 22-year-old Kurd named Massa Amini was murdered for not wearing her hijab “properly.”

The videos are a compilation of footage found on social media. “Our aim was to accentuate the force of the fight and the bravery of these women,” said film directors Elda Broglio and Oliver James Peters. “This is why we chose the water lily moving forward on the river as a symbol of hope and the footage at the end with the school girls with their hair totally exposed.”

The song that accompanies the piece is an instrumental version of the song called “Baraye,”  written by 20-year-old Shervin Hajipour, which has become an anthem for the protests in Iran. Hajipour has since been arrested by the government.

Other elements of the campaign include three :30 videos and five out-of-home elements.

Campaign Name: Woman Life Freedom

Production Company: 1stAveMachine

Director:  Elda Broglio & Oliver James Peters

Partner/Executive Producer:  Lautaro Brunatti

Executive Producer: Paula Moura Sabrina Elizondo

Executive Producer: 

Executive Producer: 

Director of Photography: 

Producer:  Agustina Crespo

Assistant Director: Flora Cammilleri



Editor Animation: Manuela Aguilar

VFX + Finishing 

VFX Supervisor: Juan Ignacio Liviero

Art Department 

Illustrator: Elda Broglio, Danae Kagiorgi

Referencist: Candela Saud 

2d Animation Team

Animation Director: Bruno Pérsico

2d Layout: Josefina Premauyer

Music & SFX Team

Music and SFX: Bamba



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