Trash-mâché is an art form that could only be coined by The Many’s head of Programming, Maude Standish. Having recently debuted her glorious pieces of trash-turned-art in Santa Monica at a show titled, “The Wrong Way,” The Many’s People Operations manager, Johanna Penry, invited her to sit down for a conversation about art, work, and perfectionism.
The advertising industry stands at a crossroads. Once solely focused on awards, flashy outputs, and chasing fame through rigid metrics, we now face a dwindling pool of those opportunities.
This means that the new generation now faces different expectations than what they likely were trained on or inspired by, and will have to redefine "success" based on their own aspirations and the evolving industry landscape.[Read More]
By Franklin Tipton, co-founder, CCO, at Odysseus Arms.
The One Club’s Portfolio Night starts this week around the world – we’re hosting the San Francisco Portfolio Night on June 1 (575 Market Street, 6-9 PM – and many creative hopefuls will be walking into their first in-person one-to-one critiques with people who’ve “made it.”
How should they steel themselves? Start by being ready for anything. My own experience at Portfolio Ni[Read More]
Look, there are a thousand places you can get a take on every ad that ran during the Super Bowl. You don't need more opinions from us. But what do actual, non-ad folks think? Since we attended a nice, outdoor, socially-distant Big Game party, we have your answers. We didn't want to be the creepy losers doing no socializing, so we didn't get them all, but here's what we heard.
It was an honor to judge the Effie Awards this year. As perpetual students of the industry, it’s always inspiring to get that exposure to the greatest home runs of the past year and the cases that attempt to do them justice.
That said, it’s not lost on me how tedious and overwhelming the process of writing an Effie Case Submission is. Not unlike pitching, you’re committing to a process of gathering, revisiting, wri[Read More]